Product Roadmap

Phase 1

Initial development and release. This phase focuses on building the core functionalities of the platform and engaging with early users to refine features.

  • Develop key features: including basic social functions for users, DAO integration and proposal voting, etc.
  • Implement basic blockchain integration, ensuring the security and reliability of user interactions.
  • Launch an open beta version (basic social, DAO), inviting the public to test and provide feedback.

Phase 2

Feature expansion and optimization. Following the initial launch, this phase aims to enhance the platform with additional features and improvements based on user feedback.

  • Enhance user security and privacy protection through advanced privacy control and encryption methods.
  • Introduce a user content recommendation system, increasing user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Start developing mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms, expanding user coverage.
  • Continuously optimize performance, improving scalability and stability.
  • Deploy updates and fixes regularly based on user feedback and analysis.

Phase 3

Official launch and marketing. This phase marks the official release of Whisperify with a comprehensive marketing strategy.

  • Launch a full-featured platform for all users, enhancing user interface and experience.
  • Start a wide-ranging marketing campaign for the main target audience, establishing partnerships with influential people and brands, increasing platform awareness and influence.
  • Implement a robust server infrastructure, handling high traffic and data load.
  • Explore expansion opportunities, including more blockchain integration and features.
  • Complete a Web3 developer learning and discussion platform.

Phase 4

Data decentralization and community expansion. This phase aims to achieve data autonomy and value creation for users, as well as more cooperation and win-win relationships for the community.

  • Gradually decentralize data and related operations, achieving data autonomy and value creation for users.
  • Continue to expand community influence, establishing more cooperation and win-win relationships.